15 November 2022

Pizza Group at the fair, welcome to #ExpoTecnocom

The industry trade fair #ExpoTecnocom has recently come to an end.

The exhibition, conceived and organised by Epta Confcommercio Umbria, is entirely dedicated to technologies, products, services and furnishings for public establishments, bakery workshops and hospitality activities in the food sector.

Pizza Group, which was present thanks to the collaboration with its partners #TPforniture ( and #Pizzicata (, was able to show its products in operation thanks to the facilities shared by TP forniture and the high quality pre-cooked bases offered by Pizzicata.



In particular, our two-chamber Pyralis with digital control preformed to perfection using activestone technology. In addition, visitors were able to see our new entry in operation: the Flash. The new infrared minitunnel capable of reaching over 215° in just 1 minute, a perfect product for heating or finishing the cooking of pre-cooked products, such as Pizzicata bases.

The event was a unique opportunity to meet the players involved in the growth of the sector, as well as a privileged meeting point for operators from central Italy who were able to try and touch the quality of our products.

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©2022 Pizza Group S.r.l. with registered office in San Vito al Tagliamento (PN), Via Carnia 15 Z.I.P.R. - VAT No. IT 01277370936 - Share Capital €12,000 - REA No. PN-54536
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